Animal Farm

Animal Farm is a fiction novel written by Eric Arthur Blair. When the book was published he is known as pseudonym George Orwell. His book was originally published during the 1940s. It is considered a must read among his fans and it is often compared to his other book titled “1984.” Animal Farm talks much more than just animals you find on a farm. Its popularity stems from its contents in relation to Russian revolution and the Soviet Union. It is known as a creative metaphoric publication that paints an intriguing picture of some of the most important political figures and their roles.

Animal Farm explored different aspects of Russian communism. The story’s characters where a mix of humans and animals. They helped people understand wrong doing and mistreatment of people associated with the Russian government during wartime. The book became a huge success at publication during the mid-1940s, but Orwell almost missed an opportunity to share his work. Because the content of the book was deemed offensive during the period of World War II, There were publishers that did not want to publish the manuscript. Publishers also felt people would not be interested in it. But, because Orwell provided unique insight on the matter in a creative way, he eventually saw his work in print.

Orwell had unique insight on the subject because he fought during the Spanish Civil War with communists. The book Animal Farm provides details behind why certain people acted the way they did. Some were cruel to others while those in power abused their position. The animals in the story represented humans that played important roles during the Russian revolution. Many people wonder why the author used animals to represent people. This concept made the story more interesting to readers which included people of all ages. Plus, it gave Orwell more power over his work and how the characters were criticized for their role.

Animal Farm had an interesting perspective of how people really treated each other. It was somewhat humorous with the use of animals but it helped people understand the main idea behind the plot. Using animals as characters to represent humans that took part in this event made it easier for the author to tell how he felt was true about their character. It was a creative way of saying more than just a man being a pig, as some men can be.

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