5 Paragraph Essay Writing Manual For College Freshmen

So it’s your first year in college and you are looking for the ultimate guide to writing essays in the five paragraph format. Well you have come to the right place. Here is a condensed but still dependable manual for writing college level essays.

So the name explains a lot about the format. As you can imagine, it will require the building of five paragraphs. Shocking right? It shouldn’t be. It is the same format our third grade teacher taught us so many years ago. Here is the breakdown.

  • Paragraph 1: Introductory Paragraph
  • This introductory paragraph is super important because it is where you draw your reader in. It is the time that you get them excited about reading your essay. Now you are probably thinking that you are not that enthused about writing this essay so how do you get your audience enthused about reading it. One of the easiest ways to draw them in is to find an interesting fact about your subject that you can throw in the first line. This is a great way to get them to read on.

    All of you background information should be included in this paragraph. This is any general information that the audience may need to understand what your topic entails. Just pretend like they never heard of the topic and break it down for them. You may also want to include any definitions for words that the audience may not know that pertain to the topic. If you are writing about nuclear medicine, you may want to not only explain what it is but give your audience a few common word definitions that pertain to the topic.

    And lastly but certainly not least, you need to present your thesis statement. This is a synopsis of the reasons why you are writing your paper. The thesis should list three general reasons why you believe your statement.

  • Paragraphs 2-4: Body paragraphs
  • Each one of these next three paragraphs will each present a different reason why you believe your statement. These are the exact same reasons that you listed in your thesis. This is where you add your facts and start to convince your audience. Be sure to use transitions so that you don’t lose them along the way.

  • Paragraph 5: Conclusion
  • This is not where you just ramble on to get it over with. This is where you put the nail in the coffin. Be sure to restate your thesis so that your audience knows exactly why you wrote the paper and try and leave them with something to think about. Make it as interesting as the first paragraph because this is the lasting impression that your audience will get of you.

Tried all the suggested tips, but still cannot write your paper right? Check out a reliable essay help source and get rid of extra stress.

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